The Legal Landscape

Wellness in Law Episode: How to Unplug to Recharge

Haynes and Boone, LLP Season 1 Episode 4

Welcome to Wellness in Law, a podcast from Haynes Boone that delves into the dynamics of the high-pressure, demanding legal profession and the significance of holistic well-being for attorneys and firms. I’m your host, Abby Read, head of wellness strategy at Haynes Boone, Registered Dietitian and certified Mental Health First Aider. I am joined today by CEO of Mastermind Meditate, Dorsey Standish. Dorsey is a mechanical engineer, neuroscientist, and wellness expert who brings evidence-based mindfulness and emotional intelligence to clients worldwide – including Haynes Boone for the past three years. In today’s episode we will be discussing how to unplug to recharge and offering specific strategies attorneys can implement to disconnect from work to give their brains rest and recovery and lessen the impact of chronic stress on their overall well-being and mental health.

For more information about Mastermind Meditate, please visit